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F2023 Graduation (4)

Big Check for Buddie

Jaqushia is kind of known around town for her exuberant dance across The Academy Celebration stage after winning first place in our Compassionate Pitch Contest. (You can see what we’re talking about here!)

“I went to dinner with my friends, it was about 20 of us, and they were like, ‘Did you see the Corner to Corner video of you? It was so good!!’ It was like the topic at dinner last night.” 

Her pitch was for her business, The Slush Kids, which sells slushies and Italian ice.

“I practiced a lot for my pitch, I think I practiced every single day. My husband was like, ‘I know the pitch at this point!’ But when they called my name to go up and it was my turn, I was so nervous until I got up there, because when I got up there, everybody was so welcoming. My nerves just settled a little bit and I just went ahead and did my thing. 

“After I finished, my husband came up and said ‘Oh yeah, you won this! You got it. Don’t even worry about it.’ But I was thinking about how good everyone else’s pitches were [and] how everyone was doing an amazing job. My husband is my number one fan. Everything I do, he’s there pushing me to be better.”

In addition to the unwavering love and support from her husband, Jaqushia has found a community of peers at The Academy, a network of fellow entrepreneurs all with the same passion and drive to make their dreams into money-making realities – for themselves and their families. 

“Even if you don’t win the pitch contest, even if you don’t get to go on a big stage, even if you don’t win your class, it’s the people that you get to meet through The Academy, the connections that you make and the resources you have that make Corner to Corner amazing. Now, I’m not saying they’re going to do it for you. You have to take advantage of the resources. Because it’s very hard being an entrepreneur on your own. But Corner to Corner provides that community that can help push you forward.”

“I believe in God wholeheartedly. My faith is so strong, and before I did this class, I was like, ‘God, I’ve been an entrepreneur and this is all I’m doing. I don’t have a nine-to-five. Like, what do you want me to be doing? And I was like, give me this undeniable experience that no other human can give to me.’

“And ever since I went through The Academy, the doors have just been opening. So okay, God, I hear you loud and clear! This is where I’m supposed to be and this is what you want me to be doing!”

Jaqushia’s faith has shown up in more ways than just finding her stride in The Academy. As our first-place pitch winner, she was awarded $2,000 in cash plus a ton of other business resources. Including website design. 

“I was going to pay this girl $3,500 to do my brand story website, but something just kept telling me to wait, And when I finally got home after graduation, and I realized the resources that I won, I told my husband, I said, ‘I won a freaking brand package so I don’t even have to pay for it. Like somebody’s going to do it for me for free!!’ It was an amazing feeling.”

And the amazing feeling has stuck with her past the high of graduation night. Because now she’s an Academy Alumna.

If you don’t know, our Academy Amplified program offers continued support, education, events, and resources to all of the entrepreneurs who have graduated from The Academy. Because here at Corner to Corner, we are truly invested in you and your business’s well-being – we want to see our entrepreneurs continue to thrive and grow!

“This program is worth it because of the resources that you’re privy to once you go through this. I can’t wait until we hit that 10,000 Black-owned businesses launched through The Academy. I’m just excited to be a part of the Academy Alumni community.”

Visit Jaqushia’s website The Slush Kids.